
“In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed.”

~ President Abraham Lincoln

Honor The Oath, Now! came from recognition of two things:


President Biden will betray his oath to protect the Constitution if he transfers presidential power to the leader of the January 6th insurrection’s leader.


He can only honor his oath if public sentiment supports upholding the Constitution.

While the United State’s Constitution was written to protect us from the abuses of unchecked power, it is only potent if it is upheld. Honor the Oath, Now! is a call to express our shared desire to maintain a constitutional republic. The constitution is made relevent when leaders honor their oaths. Leaders become public servants when our collective voice empowers them to serve us.

Honor the Oath, Now! is a process that becomes a movement as we engage. Please engageā€”it will never be easier than it is today.